UPSC IES/ISS 2023: Result Out, Cutoff, Selection Process

UPSC IES/ISS 2023: Result Out, Cutoff, Selection Process

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the results for the Indian Economic Service (IES) and Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Examination 2023. This examination attracts candidates interested in economics and statistics, offering them a chance to join prestigious government services. In this article, we will discuss the recently released results, the cutoff marks, and the selection process for UPSC IES/ISS 2023.

UPSC IES/ISS 2023 Results:

The UPSC IES/ISS 2023 results were declared on the official UPSC website ( after the successful completion of the examination process. Candidates who appeared for the examination can check their results online and see whether they have qualified for the next stages of the selection process.

Cutoff Marks for UPSC IES/ISS 2023:

The cutoff marks for UPSC IES/ISS 2023 are the minimum scores that candidates must achieve to qualify for the Interview/Personality Test stage. These cutoff marks are determined by the UPSC and vary from year to year based on factors such as the difficulty of the examination and the number of vacancies. Candidates should note that meeting the cutoff marks is essential to move forward in the selection process.

Selection Process for UPSC IES/ISS 2023:

The selection process for UPSC IES/ISS 2023 consists of the following stages:

Written Examination: The first stage involves a written examination comprising two papers – Paper-I (General English) and Paper-II (General Studies). Paper-II is common for both IES and ISS candidates, while Paper-I is specific to each service.

Viva Voce (Interview/Personality Test): Candidates who qualify the written examination are called for the viva voce or interview stage. The interview aims to assess the candidate’s knowledge, expertise, and suitability for the respective service.

Final Selection: The final selection is based on the combined performance of candidates in the written examination and the interview. The marks secured in the written examination are added to the interview marks to determine the final merit list.

Medical Examination: Candidates who are selected in the final merit list are then required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they meet the medical standards specified by the government.


The UPSC IES/ISS Examination offers a prestigious career path for candidates interested in economics and statistics. With the release of the 2023 results, candidates can now assess their performance and prepare for the interview stage. Meeting the cutoff marks is crucial, as it determines eligibility for the interview, which plays a significant role in the final selection process. For those aspiring to serve in the Indian Economic Service or Indian Statistical Service, the UPSC IES/ISS examination provides an excellent opportunity to contribute to the country’s economic and statistical development.




UPSC IES/ISS stands for the Union Public Service Commission Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service Examination. It is a competitive examination conducted by UPSC to recruit candidates for prestigious government services related to economics and statistics.

What is the recent update regarding UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

The recent update is the release of the results for the UPSC IES/ISS Examination 2023 on the official UPSC website.

How can I check my UPSC IES/ISS 2023 results?

You can check your results on the official UPSC website ( by navigating to the relevant section and providing your roll number or other required details.

What are cutoff marks in UPSC IES/ISS 2023, and why are they important?

Cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates must achieve in the written examination to qualify for the interview stage. Meeting the cutoff marks is essential to proceed in the selection process.

How are cutoff marks determined in UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

Cutoff marks are determined by UPSC and can vary from year to year. They depend on factors such as the difficulty of the examination, the number of vacancies, and the performance of candidates.

What is the selection process for UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

The selection process includes a written examination, a viva voce (interview/personality test), and a medical examination. The final selection is based on the combined performance of candidates in the written examination and the interview.

What is the role of the viva voce (interview/personality test) in UPSC IES/ISS 2023 selection?

The interview assesses a candidate’s knowledge, expertise, and suitability for the Indian Economic Service or Indian Statistical Service. It plays a significant role in the final selection process.

What are the career prospects for candidates who qualify for UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

Successful candidates have the opportunity to serve in various government departments and organizations related to economics and statistics. They can work on policy formulation, data analysis, research, and other roles that contribute to India’s economic and statistical development.

Is coaching necessary for UPSC IES/ISS preparation?

Coaching is not mandatory, but many candidates opt for it to receive structured guidance, study materials, and practice tests. Success in UPSC IES/ISS depends on individual dedication, hard work, and effective preparation strategies.

What is the significance of the medical examination in UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

The medical examination ensures that selected candidates meet the medical standards specified by the government, ensuring their fitness for the respective service.

Where can I find more information about UPSC IES/ISS 2023?

You can find detailed information, official notifications, and updates about UPSC IES/ISS 2023 on the official UPSC website and through official government sources.

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